“Piyut Coding” series by Lilia Chak

“Hamafdil Coding”
is based on the words of the famous Shabbat hymn of the Rabbi Israel ben Moses Najara.
The movement of the words creates a unique choreography each time it is launched.
Each verse of this hymn begins with a Hebrew letter that forms an ACROSTIC - the words ITZHAK HAKATAN.
Violet broken lines are constantly moving, connecting the letters of the ACROSTIC and “drawing” a complex graphic system,
forming a point at the top that resembles a pulsating “beacon”.
“Hamafdil Coding“ relates to the Generative art. Thus, each animation scene is unique and exists only in a single copy.
The work is the result of the code run and does not imply the preservation of an unchanged image or video.
The work was coded by programmer Alex Chak.
Music and performance by Yossele Rosenblatt is Public domain.