Art for town. Group exhibition opening. Videoart. Dyagilev Boutique Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2011.
Dirt, video, 18 min, 2009.
Mirror, video, 13 min, 2009.
Crane, video, 13 min, 2009.

DEAD SEA Video installation

Dead Sea. ART-TLV biennale, Artura gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: D. Polak.

Working with video, I use effect of the motionless camera. It allows me to concentrate on those moments which, as a rule, remain imperceptible for people in a usual life. In video shot the ordinary grows to the monumental. It is interesting to me, as the person who is not knowing that he is under supervision, unexpectedly shows his essence.


  • Art for Town. Group exhibition. Dyagilev Boutique Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Tamar Tadmor.
  • ART-TLV biennale. Group exhibition. Artura gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Doron Polak.


  • Olga Kisseleva, Lilia Chak, Adopters of Creative Technologies, article , The Encyclopedia of New Media Art: Volume 2: Artists & Practice, Bloomsbury, London.
  • Lilia Chak, Contemporary Practices in Bio-art: When a Tree Becomes an Artwork, book published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing (ISBN: 1-5275-1949-X; ISBN13: 978-1-5275-1949-7; Pages: 562; Color illustration: 174).