– COLOR 2024. Generative art. Group exhibition with Lilia Chak, Haylee Anne, Keunjung Bae, Maria Barton, Palad’d’a Bashurova, Meichen Chen, Yun-jeong Choi, Christine Comeau, Francesco Domilici, Gemma Fenol, Lemuel Gandara, Öncü H Gültekin, Leo Hainzl, Joanne van Halteren, Tairan Hao, Helen Hawley, Chanathip Homprathum, Jeonghwa Hong, Wenhui Jiang, Sophie Keith, Dustin London, LOKKI, Shijia Luo, Doah Lee, Erwin Lubrun, Katia Lyubavskaya, Luke Meyer, Filio Zoi Milioti, Sarah Moltoni, Mick Paulusma, Andrea Pedraza, Bethany Pipkin, Caleb Portfolio, María Sánchez, SIM_Moby, Soyoung Shin, s/n, Jack So, SUMIFUDE by Satomi Suzuki, Josh Winegar, Julia Wright, SILA NIHAN YILMAZ. CICA Museum, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
– Piyyut Coding. Generative art. Solo exhibition. The Old Sha’arei Tzedek gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Rami Ozeri. Art project dedicated to a new artistic interpretation of ancient poetry.
– In A Hotter House. Video installation. Group exhibition with Lilia Chak, Skylar Albright, Anna Arbogast, Marcia Armstrong, Madison Blue, Alex Buchan, Madalyn Bunjevac, Al Dilorenzo, John Cairns, Ben Chang, Megan Fabro, Andie Goodes, Taylor Green, Xiuer Gu, Brennan Jones, Olga Kisseleva and Lilia Chak, Eric Homan, Bethany Marple, Elias Marquez, Andrew Mehall, Caroline Mosholder, Zoe November, Ivan David Ng, Takahiro Okubo, Dev Patel, Noor Quadri, Bakhahang Rai, Mural Remix, Jonathan Riles, Ken Rinaldo, CG Ryan, Bella Saraceni, Lily Schumacher, Sabrina Sedlacko, Jiara Sha, Avery Stratman, Raika Wakabayashi, Thomas Winningham, Andrew Wood, Uriah Wright, Doosung Yoo, Amy Youngs, Barry Yuan, and Danny Zhang. Green House, The Ohio State University, USA. Curators: Doo-sung Yoo, Amy Youngs.
– LASER Talks: International Art and Science LAB Exchange. International conference, organised by INEMEA non-profit organization, with Dr. Lilia Chak, Galina Bleikh, Daria Kesler, Nataliya Kamenetskaya, Prof. Nina Czegledy, Jaime Alonso Lobato and Bella Harutyunyan. Jerusalem, Israel. Lullaby for Corals.
– JUST SCAN ME!. Generative art project. Group exhibition with Lilia Chak, Galina Bleikh,
Alexandra Dementieva, Maxim Imanou Fadeev, Anna Frants, Nataliya Kamenetskaya,
Daria Kesler, Nadia Adina Rose, Anna Smoliarova. The Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel. Curators: Galina Bleikh, Nataliya Kamenetskaya.
– Art and Nomads: Multiple Horizons. Generative art project. Group exhibition with Lilia Chak, Jungsuk Noh, Lee Lee Nam, S&KOMUST, Yonghyun Lim, Solongo Tseekhuu, Alexandra Dementi, Anna Frants,
Irina Danilova, Nataliya Kamenetskaya, Galina Bleikh, Nadia Adina Rose. Jerusalem Biennale 2023, Jerusalem, Israel. Curators: Jungsuk Noh, Nataliya Kamenetskaya, Galina Bleikh.
– Olga Kisseleva, Lilia Chak, Adopters of Creative Technologies, article
, The Encyclopedia of New Media Art: Volume 2: Artists & Practice, Bloomsbury, London.
– Flying over borders, catalog page 42-43,
Jerusalem Biennale 2023, Jerusalem, Israel. NOMADA DIGITAL ART: FLYING OVER BORDERS. The 3rd ARTPLATFORM-ON – Israel 2023.
– Flying over borders. AI-art project. Group exhibition with Lilia Chak, Jungsuk Noh, Lee Lee Nam, S&KOMUST, Yonghyun Lim, Solongo Tseekhuu, Alexandra Dementi, Anna Frants,
Irina Danilova, Nataliya Kamenetskaya, Galina Bleikh, Nadia Adina Rose. Jerusalem Biennale 2023, Jerusalem, Israel. Curators: Jungsuk Noh, Nataliya Kamenetskaya, Galina Bleikh.
– Qiu Zhijie, Interwoven Scape, catalog page 18,
Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China. European Digital Art Exhibition. French Opline Prize Inaugural Exhibition.
– Interwoven Scape. Video installation. Group exhibition with Lilia Chak, Maurice Benayoun, Tony Brown, Jeremy Griffaud, Kimchi and Chips, Olga Kisseleva, Pia Myrvold, ORLAN, SHIMURAbros, Matthew Schreiber, Paolo Scoppola, Jeanne Susplugas, Stéphane Thidet, Nicolas Tourte,
Nick Verstand, Black Void, Yann Minh. Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China. Curator: Qiu Zhijie.
– Lilia Chak, Contemporary Practices in Bio-art: When a Tree Becomes an Artwork, book
published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing (ISBN: 1-5275-1949-X; ISBN13: 978-1-5275-1949-7; Pages: 562; Color illustration: 174).
– Our Bio-Tech Planet. Video installation. Group exhibition with Lilia Chak, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Sanja Anđelković,
Ismaele Bonomi, Neo Christopher Chung, Tuana Inhan, Rob Kesseler, Yujue Liang, Maisha Maene, Miyuki Oka, Monika Polak, Felicitas Rohden, Eric Schockmel,
Riaan van der Wart & Morten Risberg, Funda Zeynep Aygüler. Museo Orto Botanico, Rome, Italy, organised by Art & Science Node Berlin. Curators: Prof. Joanna Hofmann, Dr. Juliet Wallace, Dr. Lara Bruno.
– MANOFIM. International conference, organised by Jerusalem Contemporary Art Festival, Jerusalem, Israel, with Dr. Lilia Chak, MindLab - Jens Hauser, Dar Moussafir, Carmel Barnea Brezner Jonas, Jonatan Omer Mizrahi, Tzaphira Allison Stern, Ivor Stodolsky, Marina Naprushkina, Dmitry Vilensky. Art, Biology and Ecology.
– FEMeeting: women in Art, Science and Technology 2022, Book of abstracts, catalog, page 17,
Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon and Évora, Portugal.
– EDEN. Workshop, organised by Sorbonne in collaboration with ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Dendro-art – classification of projects.
– PhD. Sorbonne, Art & Science Department, Paris, France.
– Dr. Isabelle Lemelin, Figures de terroristes = figures terroristes? Le cas de Hanadi Jaradat dans les oeuvres de Feiler & Sköld-Feiler et de Bleikh & Chak, article for journal Post-Scriptum, No. 29. Université Concordia et UQAM, Montreal, Canada.
– The Human to Come. International symposium, organised by Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains in collaboration with CNRS. Listening To Trees Across The Jordan River. The symposium attended by Lilia Chak (artist and researcher, Paris I), Veronique Auberge (CNRS/INSHS), Charles Corval (Sciences Po Paris), Julien De Sanctis (Spoon.ai), Gabriel Dorthe (Universite Catholique de Lille), David Doat (Universite Catholique de Lille), Pierre Antoine Chardel (EHESS), Olga Kisseleva (Paris I), Emeline Gougeon (Paris I), Armen Khatchatourov (Universite Paris Est Marne la Vallee), Anne Simon (CRAL/EHESS), Stephane Breton (CRAL/EHESS), Teresa van Dongen (artist), Korneel Rabaey (Professor, University of Ghent), Mario Cote (UQAM), Veronique Beland (artist), Didier Coueurnelle (Association Française Transhumaniste), Terence Ericson (Association Française Transhumaniste), Elisabeth de Castex (Sciences Po Paris), Dominique Raynie (Sciences Po Paris), Olivier Perriquet (Le Fresnoy - Studio national), Ismael Joffroy Chandoutis (artist), Gregory Chatonsky (artist, ENS Paris), AnneMarie Maes (artist), Joseph Cohen (University College Dublin, Raphael Zagury-Orly (Sciences Po Paris), Nicolas de Warren (Penn State University), Bernard Stiegler, Alain Fleischer…
Joining the Arts and Technologies in Order to Stimulate a new Understanding of the Human (in a renewed dialogue with nature. Reflections on Eden Artech).
– Speculating on the Future through Art and Science. Photographs. Group exhibition in collaboration with Prof. Olga Kisseleva. BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium.
– Wonderful World. Photographs. Group exhibition in collaboration with Prof. Olga Kisseleva. FEFU Art Museum, Vladivostok, Russia. Curator: Julia Klimko.
– EDEN. Photographs. Group exhibition in collaboration with Prof. Olga Kisseleva. Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria.
– Dr. Verena Straub, Digitale Postproduktionen. Die Zirkulation von Bildern palästinensischer Selbstmordattentäterinnen im Internet, article for book: Nähe auf Distanz. Eigendynamik und mobilisierende Kraft politischer Bilder im Internet. Hrsg. von Isabelle Busch, Uwe Fleckner & Judith Waldmann.
– Prof. Ilia Rodov, Concluding Remarks: Contemplations in the Desert on Nature, Creation, and Art, article. Art and Biology: The Meeting Point. International symposium. Negev Museum of Art, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
– Lilia Chak, Between Art and Science, brochure (hebrew) for "Listening To Trees Across The Jordan River" exhibition. Negev Museum of Art, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
– Listening to Trees across the Jordan River. Installations, Videos, Photographs. Prof. Olga Kisseleva`s solo exhibition. Lilia Chak participated in the exhibition in her video installations and photographs in frame of her PhD research in Sorbonne.
Negev Museum of Art, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Curator: Dr. Dalia Manor.
– Art and Biology: The Meeting Point. International symposium, organised by Sorbonne in collaboration with CNRS, with Lilia Chak, Prof. Olga Kisseleva, Dr. Aya Lurie, Dr. Elaine Solowey, Dr. Dalia Manor, Prof. Ariel Novoplansky
Prof. Ilia Rodov, Dr. Sue Frumin… Negev Museum of Art, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
The Sorbonne Art & Science Laboratory as a leader of Dendro-art.
Lilia Chak, Zeev Ben Sender – photographer, article (english and russian) for catalogue. Jerusalem, Israel.
– Elena Chumina, Шкатулка, article. St. Petersburg Union of Designers, Russia.
– Ethical Durable Ecology Nature. International symposium, Château de Rentilly – Frac Ile-de France, Paris, France, with Lilia Chak, Olga Kisseleva, Sabrina Issa, Kun Tang, Ingrid Paola Amaro, Nicolas Bralet, François-David Collin…
The Scents of the Ancient World - a Different Reality?.
– Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest, Media Art, catalogue (hebrew and english), Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel.
– Media Art. Installation "Shail and Blue". Group exhibition. Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest.
– Dr. Silke Felber, We and Elfriede Jelinek are on the same morphological plane, article for platform`s book album. University of Vienna, Austria. Lilia Chak and Galina Bleikh are included in the platform for support Elfriede Elinek – writer, laurent Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004.
– Sergei Duzhnikov, Sigmund Freud Recipe, catalogue (russian and english), St. Petersburg Union of Designers, Russia.
– Sigmund Freud Recipe. Photograph. Group exhibition. St. Petersburg Union of Designers, Russia. Curator: Sergei Duzhnikov.
since 2015
Doctoral Candidate (PhD). Sorbonne, Art & Science Department, Paris, France,
under the supervision of Prof. Olga Kisseleva. Dissertation entitled: "Bio-art: When a Tree Becomes an Artwork. Contemporary Practices".
Dr. Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, The Maternal Drama of the Chechen Jihadi, book 258 pages, ISBN-10: 1885881134, ISBN-13: 978-1885881137.
– Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest, Self Portrait, catalogue (hebrew and english), Festival of Contemporary Art, Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel.
– Self Portrait. C-Print. Group exhibition. Festival of Contemporary Art, Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest.
Alexander Altshuler, album. Photographs for album dedicated to the Russian-Israeli poet Alexander Altshuler (1938–2014), (in progress).
– Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest, Mixed Media, catalogue (hebrew and english), Festival of Contemporary Art, Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel.
– Mixed Media. C-Print with Relief and Painting. Group exhibition. Festival of Contemporary Art, Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest.
– Anatoly Baratynsky, Black Square, catalogue (hebrew and english), Harmony Art Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
– Black Square. C-Print with Relief and Painting. Group exhibition. Harmony Art Center, Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Anatoly Baratynsky.
– Lina Goncharsky, Святая террористка с младенцем, или Внимание, Ferror!, article. Culbyt.ru, Israel.
– Katya Tuv, Spectrum, catalogue (hebrew and english), Harmony Art Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
– Spectrum. C-Print with Relief and Painting. Group exhibition. Harmony Art Center, Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Katya Tuv.
– Lina Goncharsky, Израильская родня Pussy Riot, фантасты прошлого о 2012-ом и русский дух в Иерусалиме, article. Tarbut.ru, Israel.
– From Israel With Love!. C-Print. Tarut.ru, Internet on-line group exhibition, Israel.
– Dr. Alek D. Epstein, Art on the Barricades, article. Artguide.
– Art for Town. Video installation. Group exhibition. Dyagilev Boutique Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Tamar Tadmor. "When I am working with video, I use the effect of the motionless camera. It enables me to concentrate on those moments which, as a rule, remain imperceptible for people in their everyday lives. In the video shot,
the ordinary achieves the dimensions of the monumental. It is interesting to me, since the person, who is unaware of being observed, unexpectedly reveals his essence".
– Basel Selection Artfair. A Parallel Event to Art Basel. Photograph. Group exhibition. Gallery G-77, Basel, Switzerland. Curator: Andrei Mikhailov.
Alla Volodarsky, Наши на Art-Chicago, article. MK.Israel.
20 years of the Great Aliyah. Photographs for the exhibition catalogue (hebrew and english). Jerusalem Municipal Art Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel.
– Art Chicago With NEXT. Photograph. Group exhibition. Gallery G-77, Chicago, USA. Curator: Andrei Mikhailov.
– Katya Tuv, Spectrum, catalogue (hebrew and english), Harmony Art Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
– Spectrum. C-Print with Relief and Painting. Group exhibition. Harmony Art Center, Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Katya Tuv.
– First prize at the art competition (from among 18,000 entries) organized by Cellcom Company for the "Identity Card" Digital art project. Tel Aviv, Israel.
Lilia Chak and Galina Bleikh, Ferror, article (english). Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies ISSN No. 1948-1853.
– FERROR. Installation, C-Print, Video. Solo exhibition. Journalist's Center Beit Sokolov, Tel Aviv, Israel. The exhibition was cancelled. Curator: Svietka Rivilis. Lilia Chak and fellow artist Galina Bleikh introduced into the international lexicon a new term – Ferror (Female Terror) – a phenomenon of twentieth –
century acts of terrorism perpetrated by women. The term Ferror was first performed at the sensational exhibibtion that was eventually cancelled. As part of this exhibit, Lilia Chak
introduced a Video Installation entitled Ferror, where in she examined the life of the city in different contexts, identifying and interpreting its hidden meanings.
Grant of Jerusalem Summit for the FERROR exhibition. Jerusalem, Israel.
– Tzipi Ephrat, Eternity of Moments, catalogue, Ephrat gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel.
– Eternity of Moments. C-Print with Relief and Painting. Solo exhibition. Ephrat gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Tzipi Ephrat. Art project on the new visual concept of the urban environment.
– ART-TLV biennale. Video installation. Group exhibition. Artura gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Doron Polak.
– 1000sq Meter Free-Style. C-Print. Group exhibition. The Museum for Digital art, Holon, Israel. Curator: Meir Tati. The "Propaganda" work is my response to advertising, which is part of the phenomenon of propaganda in the modern world. The fields of design and graphics, which are intended to stimulate ever-increasing consumption,
employ the images that have been created by the arts and culture throughout the centuries. Through the popularization and endless replication of familiar images and sounds, advertising destroys the "mystery" of art,
eliminating its subjective impact upon the individual. This may be the reason why contemporary art is branching into new forms and genres, in an attempt to preserve its right to individual impact.
– Tarbut.ru. Digital art. Group exhibition. Rosenfield gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Tzachi Rosenfeld.
– Fast Stream of Jerusalem. C-Print with Relief and Painting. Solo exhibition. Agrippas 8 Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Galina Bleikh.
– Ancient Future Taste. Solo exhibition, performance. Performance on the exhibition "To Each Olive – the Name". Agrippas 8 Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Galina Bleikh.
– To Each Olive – the Name. Installation, Video, Photographs. Solo exhibition. Agrippas 8 Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Galina Bleikh.
– Reflections. Photographs. Group exhibition. City Center Gallery, Ashdod, Israel. Curator: Zehava Cohen.
– Identity Card. C-Print. Group exhibition. Ein Hod Central Gallery, Israel. Curator: Nomi Hoss.
– Art Jerusalem. Mixed media. Group exhibition. Underground Prisoners museum. Jerusalem, Israel. Curator: Yisrael Goldstein.
– Israeli Portrait. C-Print. Group exhibition. Erlich gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Sarah Erlich.
– Psalms in Contemporary Art. Mixed media. Group exhibition. Hanita Contemporary Art Museum, Israel. Curator: Yisrael Goldstein.
Lilia Chak, Design of a Beauty Salon, article (russian), "Everything for the Home" magazine. New York, USA.
Lilia Chak, Interior del Mobile in Milan, article (russian). "Vesti" magazine. Tel Aviv, Israel.
Diploma. Course of multimedia by Ministry of Industry and Trade. Jerusalem, Israel.
Diploma. Course of computer graphics. Maale-Adumim College, Israel.
– Zev Birger, Contemporary Judaica, Jerusalem Palace of Nations, Israel. Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Tourism Catalogue (hebrew and english).
– Contemporary Judaica. Design project. Group exhibition. Jerusalem Palace of Nations, Israel. Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Tourism Catalogue (hebrew and english). Curator: Zev Birger.
Diploma. Course of art marketing by Ministry of Industry and Trade. Jerusalem, Israel.
– Zev Birger, Contemporary Judaica, Jerusalem Palace of Nations, Israel. Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Tourism Catalogue (hebrew and english).
– Contemporary Judaica. Design project. Group exhibition. Jerusalem Palace of Nations, Israel. Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Tourism Catalogue (hebrew and english). Curator: Zev Birger.
Grant of Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Tourism for the "Contemporary Judaica" design project. Jerusalem, Israel.
– Contemporary Judaica. Design project. Group exhibition. Globs-Golan studios, Israel.
Diploma. Course of animation. Studio Dudu Shalita, Beit-Shemesh, Israel.
Young Artists of St. Petersburg, catalogue (russian). Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Young Artists of St. Petersburg. Political poster. Group exhibition. Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia.