TT (Testciles–Truffles). Two microscopes video instalation.
TT (Testciles–Truffles). Two sculptures.
TT (Testciles–Truffles). A screen displaying a dynamic formula of the hormones secreted by the testicles.

TT (Testciles–Truffles) together with Galina Bleikh and Dr. Anna Landsman
Inslallation, Video, Photographs, Sculptures

Modern scientists adhere to a rationalist worldview, while artists prefer to rely on their intuition. These two approaches are fundamentally different, not just in terms of their outlook on the material world. However, to use an expression from physics, they are complementary. Neither approach can supplant the other; both possess unique value; the two complement each other, thereby creating a new, more adequate worldview. Nowadays, art is actively encroaching upon those domains of knowledge that used to be the exclusive preserve of a small circle of scientists.

Modern scientists adhere to a rationalist worldview, while artists prefer to rely on their intuition. These two approaches are fundamentally different, not just in terms of their outlook on the material world. However, to use an expression from physics, they are complementary. Neither approach can supplant the other; both possess unique value; the two complement each other, thereby creating a new, more adequate worldview. Nowadays, art is actively encroaching upon those domains of knowledge that used to be the exclusive preserve of a small circle of scientists.

We have perused the currently available information that points to a link of this kind. Such information exists in religion, Oriental philosophies, folk beliefs, literature, naturopathy, and holistic medicine. Ultimately, virtually all of the above-mentioned sources have confirmed our hypothesis, which was based exclusively on a visual analysis of the forms. Thus, some practitioners of folk medicine believe that the pheromones contained in truffles improve human emotional well-being. The French, who have made this rare delicacy fashionable, refer to truffles as "natural Viagra". The reputation of these fungi as powerful aphrodisiacs derives from those pheromones: Such substances affect all the brain centers, improving male sexual potency and reproductive function. Truffles were a staple of the diets of Napoleon, Lord Byron, and Madame de Pompadour.

Thus, we have obtained preliminary evidence of the existence of a non-accidental unity of form. This may be the Universe's way of hinting at a hidden connection that exists at the various levels of organization of living and non-living nature, and we can use this knowledge for our benefit.

The next stage in the project's development is studying the impact of the active ingredients of truffles on the functioning of the testicles, which are structurally similar to those fungi. To this end, we use modern technologies: the techniques of molecular biology, biochemical testing, histological analysis, etc.